Med-i laboratory and collaborators from Western University and UBC receive CHRP funding from CIHR and NSERC for “RF Time Series Flashlight for Targeted Prostate Biopsy”.
Med-i Laboratory and collaborators from Orthopedic Surgery at KGH and UBC receives NSERC-CHRP funding for “Real Time Guidance Surgical Navigation System for Scaphoid Fracture Fixation”.
Med-i Laboratory and collaborators from Dept. of Urology at KGH receives PCFF funding for “iDST-RFA for Prostate Cancer Interventions”.
Med-i Laboratory and collaborators at ECE, Queen’s receives NSERC-RTI funding for “High-Density Surface Electromyography Sensing Facility”.
Med-i Laboratory and collaborators at ECE, Queen’s receives OCE funding for “Enhanced Surface Electromyography Signal Acquisition for Biomedical Applications”.
Med-i Laboratory and collaborators at ECE, Queen’s receives FedDev funding for “Novel Surface Electromyography sensing system”.
Med-i Laboratory and collaborators from Western University and University of British Columbia receives CHRP funding from NSERC for “Augmented Ultrasound-Guided Prostate Biopsy”.