
Med-I Lab is proud to participate in and organize different kinds of outreach events. In the past we have participated in School of Computing’s Fall Previews and Graduate Open Houses, have organized events such as AI Day for grade 8 and high-school students, and have had members participate in and organize on-campus events such as Computing Student Research Conference (CSearch).
If you are interested in having Med-I Lab participate in or organize an outreach event, please contact Dr. Parvin Mousavi 

Fall Preview

Every year, Queen’s School of Computing invites 100s of prospective students to campus to allow them to hear about the work we are doing, try out some research demos, and talk to the current members of our lab. This year two of our members, Andrew Grebenisan and Brian Chen, participated in Fall Preview 2019. Special thanks to all the volunteers who made this event such a success for us!

Graduate Open House

Share some details here for Service two. This is a fleQueen’s School of Computing organizes the Graduate Open House. It is an afternoon event where prospective students have a chance to talk to supervisors and members of various labs about the research they do. It also allows students the chance to talk to current graduate students about graduate degrees, funding, etc. This year, Justin Gerolami prepared a series of demos about all the work we are doing!

AI in Healthcare and Robotics

We love teaching younger students about what we do. In 2019, we welcomed students from the Calvin Park Challenge program and introduced them to artificial intelligence and its applications in healthcare and robotics through talks and demos. The event was made successful by the students who helped run the sessions.

If you would like to setup a similar type of event, please contact us.

Computing Student Research Conference (CSearch)

Med-I Lab encourages our students to get involved. Members of our lab have helped organize the Computing Student Research Conference (CSearch) at Queen’s for the past 2 years. In previous years, CSearch welcomed over 100 students from across Canada to Queen’s for a 2-day event. Students, including most of Med-I Lab, presented their work through oral and poster presentations. This past year, Justin Gerolami was the conference chair and Emily Kaczmarek was one of the sponsorship chairs.

archived news

See what the Medi-Lab has done in the past