Sydney Shereck

Undergraduate Student
School of Computing
Queen’s University

Sydeny is a Bachelor student in the School of Computing who did her Capstone project at the iStudio, Queen’s University. With her team, they designed an interactive e-textile piece of artwork, exhibited it at the Biosci Atrium and won the award for best project at the Creative Computing Showcase 2024!


Jones, Lee; Stewart, Molly; Shereck, Sydney Alana; Lintag, Joelle; Doherty, Dallas; Bucchino, Bianca; Nabil, Sara

Interactive Bobbin Lace: Metal Thread History, Interviews with Lacemakers, and Material Explorations with E-textiles Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the Nineteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction, Association for Computing Machinery, Bordeaux, France, 2025, ISBN: 9798400711978.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

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