
The Laboratory of Percutaneous Surgery occupies over 2,000 square feet contiguous space in the School of Computing. The Perk Lab was equipped from recent CFI, ORF and NSERC infrastructure and instrumentation grants, netting over $1M combined. The Perk Lab offers state-of-the-art computers, position tracking devices, surgical robots, virtual reality surgical guidance systems. Imaging equipment includes motorized C-arm fluoroscope, various ultrasound scanners with open research interfaces to beam-former and radiofrequency stream, ultrasound transducers. There is a focused ultrasound tissue ablation system with open research interface, and appropriate interface appliances for integrated surgical robotics and navigation systems. Uniquely among academic labs, the Perk Lab employs professional software engineers hired from industry. Their role is to develop, disseminate, and maintain open-source platforms that support local research, as well as an extensive network of provincial, national and international collaborations.


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