Kaci Carter

Graduate student (Masters)
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Queen's University

I received my B.Eng from Lakehead University in Thunder Bay, Ontario in 2014. I have experience working at the Thunder Bay Regional Research Institute. My projects were to design hardware for High Intensity Focused Ultrasound research. My current MSc research in the Perk Lab pertains to the development of electronic instrumentation for computer-assisted surgery, specifically tool-mounted visual feedback and electric current sensing devices, integrated in breast conserving surgery system under clinical trials at Queen's.

Kaci graduated in record time in August 2015 and presently contiues her higher studies in medical school. She returned to the Perk Lab for Summer 2016.

Carter, Kaci; Vaughan, Thomas; Holden, M.; Gauvin, Gabrielle; Pezeshki, Padina; Lasso, Andras; Ungi, Tamas; Morin, Evelyn; Rudan, John; Engel, C. Jay; Fichtinger, Gabor

Visual feedback mounted on surgical tool: proof of concept Conference

13th Imaging Network of Ontario Symposium (ImNO 2015), vol. 9786, San Diego, CA, USA, 2016.

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Carter, Kaci; Lasso, Andras; Ungi, Tamas; Morin, Evelyn; Fichtinger, Gabor

Current sensing for navigated electrosurgery: Proof of concept Journal Article

In: vol. 9786, pp. 593-600, 2016.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Ungi, Tamas; Gauvin, Gabrielle; Lasso, Andras; Yeo, Caitlin T; Pezeshki, Padina; Vaughan, Thomas; Carter, Kaci; Rudan, John; Engel, C. Jay; Fichtinger, Gabor

Navigated breast tumor excision using electromagnetically tracked ultrasound and surgical instruments Journal Article

In: IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2015, ISSN: 0018-9294.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Carter, Kaci; Lasso, Andras; Ungi, Tamas; Morin, Evelyn; Fichtinger, Gabor

Visual feedback mounted on surgical tool Journal Article

In: pp. 36, 2015.


Carter, Kaci; Lasso, Andras; Ungi, Tamas; Morin, Evelyn; Fichtinger, Gabor

Current sensing for navigated electrosurgery Conference

13th Imaging Network of Ontario Symposium (ImNO 2015), 2015.

Links | BibTeX

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