Herve Mathieu

Postdoctoral Researcher
CISST Center
Johns Hopkins University

Fichtinger, Gabor; Degeut, Anton; Masamune, Ken; Balogh, Emese; Fischer, Gregory; Mathieu, Herve; Taylor, Russell H.; Zinreich, James; Fayad, Laura

Image overlay guidance for needle insertion in CT scanner Journal Article

In: IEEE transactions on biomedical engineering, vol. 52, no. 8, pp. 1415–1424, 2005.

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Fichtinger, Gabor; Degeut, Anton; Masamune, Ken; Fischer, Gregory; Balogh, Emese; Mathieu, Herve; Taylor, Russell H.; Fayad, Laura; Zinreich, James

Needle Insertion in CT Scanner with Image Overlay - Cadaver Studies Journal Article

In: Proceedings in Lecture Notes in Computer Science Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), vol. 3217, pp. 795-803, 2004.

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Boctor, Emad; Webster, Robert; Mathieu, Herve; Okamura, Allison; Fichtinger, Gabor

Virtual remote center of motion control for needle placement robots Journal Article

In: Journal of Computer Assisted Surgery, vol. 9 (5), pp. 175-183, 2004.

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Fichtinger, Gabor; Deguet, Anton; Masamune, Ken; Balogh, Emese; Fischer, Gregory; Mathieu, Herve; Taylor, Russell H; Fayad, Laura M; Zinreich, S James

Needle insertion in CT scanner with image overlay–cadaver studies Journal Article

In: pp. 795-803, 2004.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Boctor, Emad; Webster, Robert; Mathieu, Herve; Okamura, Allison; Fichtinger, Gabor

Virtual remote center of motion control for needle placement robots Journal Article

In: Journal of Computer Aided Surgery, vol. 9, no. 5, pp. 175–183, 2003.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Masamune, Ken; Degeut, Anton; Mathieu, Herve; Zinreich, James; Taylor, Russell H.; Sauer, Frank; Fichtinger, Gabor

An Enhanced Reality System for Percutaneous needle placement Therapy inside X-ray CT Scanner Conference

ARCS - Workshop on Augmented Reality in Computer Aided Surgery, 2003.

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Boctor, Emad M; Webster, Robert J; Mathieu, Herve; Okamura, Allison M; Fichtinger, Gabor

LNCS 2878: MICCAI 2003 Proceedings, Part I-Robotic Mechanism ans Mechanical Properties of Tissue-Virtual Remote Center of Motion Control for Needle Placement Robots Journal Article

In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 2878, pp. 157-164, 2003.

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